Family mediation

Maître Azran, a seasoned lawyer, embodies a unique vision of justice, far from the conventional paths of large firms. In this article, let’s dive into her journey and explore her practice, highlighting the human challenges and the emergence of family mediation as a central pillar of her legal approach.

The Evolution of a Lawyer: An Independent Journey

In the 1990s, after being sworn in as a lawyer, Maître Azran made a deliberate choice not to go down the path of large firms. “I never aimed to be a big law firm,” she says. This decision was motivated by the desire to work efficiently, productively, and to promote justice without being encumbered by the policies and hierarchies of large structures. She started out as a freelancer, solving cases in her parents’ basement before starting her own firm. A bold move that would shape his unique approach to the law.

Human Challenges in the Legal World

Maître Azran’s words underline the complexity of the human challenges in his profession. “The human challenge is the most difficult thing,” she says. She insists on the need for lawyers, especially those in litigation or family law, to have a solid education in psychology and philosophy. These skills, she says, are essential to understanding and solving the complex human aspects inherent to her field.

The Legal Palette of Maître Azran

Throughout his career, Mr. Azran has juggled a variety of legal specializations. From civil litigation to family law, she has handled a wide range of cases. “I know my client’s version 100 percent,” she explains, emphasizing the deep commitment she has to each case. The diversity of the cases she has handled over the years is a testament to her versatile expertise in the legal field.

The Discovery of Family Mediation

Over time, Maître Azran realized that she was unconsciously practicing what is called family mediation. She recounts her awareness after having followed a specific training in 2017. “I’ve always done mediation,” she says. This revelation marked a turning point in her career, leading her to consider mediation as a more effective and satisfying way to resolve family disputes.

The Frustrations of Plea in Court

Maître Azran expresses his frustration at the need to plead in court. It challenges the conventional idea that going to court is the last resort. “When you get to court, it’s because you’ve failed,” she said. For her, lawyers and the parties involved know their case better than anyone else, questioning the effectiveness of the judicial system in family matters.

Family Mediation: Between Challenges and Rewards

Although family mediation is more difficult, Maître Azran insists on its importance. She points out that despite the challenges, the process often offers more satisfactory and sustainable solutions for all parties. The need to put aside emotions to focus on the best interests of the children is crucial in these processes.

Maître Azran: A New Look at Justice and Mediation, Between Legal Experience and Deep Humanity

In summary, Master Azran’s practice is a unique fusion of legal competence, deep human understanding, and an alternative vision of conflict resolution. This article highlights his exceptional career, highlighting the importance of empathy and mediation in the contemporary legal landscape. Through his words, Maître Azran guides us towards a reflection on justice, mediation, and the necessary balance between legal rigour and humanity.


In addition to the interview, a foray into Nathale’s shop offers a personal perspective of Master Azran. These additional elements add an authentic touch, revealing the enduring passion and commitment that underpins his legal practice. By exploring the duality of justice and mediation, Maître Azran leaves us with a deep reflection on the future of the legal profession.