Azran Lawyers Family Law

Family Law: Child Custody and Support

When a separation or divorce situation arises, one of the major concerns is usually child custody and alimony. In Quebec, these matters are governed by specific laws aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the children involved. In this article, we'll explore in detail how child custody and support are handled in the province, as well as the key things to consider. Whether you're a parent looking for information about your rights or looking to better understand the implications of these decisions, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the essential information to navigate this complex area of family…
Azran Lawyers Family Law

Child Custody: Navigating Family Law Challenges with Brilliance

When a separation or divorce occurs, one of the most sensitive issues that arises is that of child custody. In Quebec, family law governs these matters and provides the basis for making decisions that best protect the best interests of the child. This article explores in detail family law in Quebec, the different forms of child custody, the crucial role of the family law lawyer, as well as the specific issues related to child custody.   The Basics of Family Law in Quebec Family law in Quebec is based on provincial laws that determine the rights and responsibilities of parents…
Azran Lawyers Information technology law

Online contracts (E-contracts)

With today's ever-increasing mobility and globalization, online contracts are now unavoidable, be they on behalf of your company or on a personal level. The usual rules of contractual formation and validity have had to be adapted to the particularities of the paperless alternatives and to an absence of geographical barriers and analog formats. The specificities of online contracts raise certain questions. For example, when making an online purchase in your car on the way to New York City, even though you may live in Montreal, you may have wondered where the contract was actually formed. To this, we would reply…
Azran Lawyers Family Law

Divorce and children

Unlike their parents living in common-law relationships, children born out of wedlock are protected by the civil laws of Quebec, and in the same way as a child from a married or civilly united couple. Thus, the legislature does not discriminate against children with regard to their parents’ obligation to support them. Making the decision to divorce is not an easy decision when there are children, emotions can easily take over. What are the questions that the parents should ask themselves when they are separating and what points should they resolve prior to instituting legal proceedings before the court concerning…