Azran Lawyers - Class Actions
Class action concerning nanoparticle pollution caused
by the operational activities of Montréal-Trudeau Airport.
The Superior Court is currently considering a class action suit for nanoparticle pollution against Montréal-Trudeau Airport, NAV Canada (the air navigation service that fixes the routes and overflight lines of airplanes) and the federal Department of Transport (Attorney General of Canada ), concerning several Montreal neighborhoods adjacent to airport activities.
Nanoparticles are produced by engines and jet engines. A recent study by McGill University concerning the Montréal-Trudeau airport site concluded that the nanoparticle rate was very high due to insufficient measures to limit their emanation.
The high level of nanoparticles observed constitutes a risk of damage to the health of exposed populations, since this invisible and volatile substance, which circulates in a large area, can cause cancer.